Viability Of Children
A child may be born alive, but may not be viable, by which is meant that
it is not endowed with a capacity of maintaining its life. Speaking
generally, 180 days represents the lowest limit at which a child is
viable, but prolonged survival under these circumstances is the
exception. Many cases, however, have been recorded in which children
born at six months have been reared. The signs of immaturity and
maturity may be
thus tabulated:
Centre of body high; head Strong movements and cries as soon
disproportionate in size; membrana as born; body clear, red colour,
pupillaris present; testicles coated with sebaceous matter; mouth,
undescended; deep red colour of nostrils, eyelids, and ears, open;
parts of generation; intense red skull somewhat firm, and fontanelles
colour, mottled appearance, and not far apart; hair, eyebrows, and
downy covering, of skin; nails not nails, perfectly developed;
formed; feeble movements; testicles descended; free discharge
inability to suck; necessity for of urine and meconium; power of
artificial heat; almost unbroken suction, indicated by seizure on the
sleep; rare and imperfect nipple or a finger placed in the
discharges of urine and meconium; mouth.
closed state of mouth, eyelids,
and nostrils.