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Examination Of Persons Found Dead

When a medical man is called to a case of sudden death, he should

carefully note anything likely to throw any light on the cause of death.

He should notice the place where the body was found, the position and

attitude of the body, the soil or surface on which the body lies, the

position of surrounding objects, and the condition of the clothes. He

should also notice if there are any signs of a struggle having taken

place, if the hands are clenched, if the face is distorted, if there has

been foaming at the mouth, and if urine or fæces have been passed

involuntarily. Urine may be drawn off with a catheter and tested for

albumin and sugar.

If required to make a post-mortem examination, every cavity and

important organ of the body must be carefully and minutely examined, the

seat of injury being inspected first.

