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Chloral Hydrate
It was formerly largely used as a hypnotic, and many fatal consequences ensued. It is prepared from alcohol and chlorine. Symptoms.--Deep sleep, loss of muscular power, diminished or abolished reflex action and sensibility, followed by loss of c...
Chlorate Of Potassium Etc
=Chlorate of Potassium= produces irritation of stomach and bowels; hæmaturia; melæna; cyanosis, weakness, delirium, and coma. Post-Mortem.--Blood is chocolate-brown in colour, and so are all the internal organs; gastro-enteritis; nephritis. ...
=Cocaine.=--Any dose above 1/2 grain applied to a mucous membrane or injected hypodermically may give rise to alarming symptoms. These are intense pallor, faintness, giddiness, dilatation of pupils, paroxysmal dyspnoea, rapid, intermittent, and we...
Conium And Calabar Bean
=Conium Maculatum= (Spotted Hemlock).--All parts of the plant are poisonous, often mistaken for parsley. Contains the poisonous principle coniine, a volatile liquid alkaloid with a mousy smell; insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol, ether, and ch...
Contused Wounds And Injuries Unaccompanied By Solution Ofcontinuity
If a blow be inflicted with a blunt instrument, there is produced a bruise, or ecchymosis, of which it is unnecessary here to describe the appearance and progress. A bruise may be distinguished from a post-mortem stain by the cuticle in the former...
Copper And Its Preparations
Poisoning with copper salts is rare. The most important are the sulphate, subacetate, and arsenite. =Sulphate of Copper= (bluestone, blue vitriol) in half-ounce doses is a powerful irritant. Has been given to procure abortion. =Subacetate of ...
Forensic medicine is also called Medical Jurisprudence or Legal Medicine, and includes all questions which bring medical matters into relation with the law. It deals, therefore, with (1) crimes and (2) civil injuries. 1. A crime is the voluntar...
Death By Drowning
Death by drowning occurs when breathing is arrested by watery or semi-fluid substances--blood, urine, etc. The fluid acts mechanically by entering the air-cells of the lung and preventing the due oxidation of the blood. The post-mortem appearances...
Death By Hanging
In hanging, death occurs by asphyxia, as in drowning. Sensibility is soon lost, and death takes place in four or five minutes. The eyes in some cases are brilliant and staring, tongue swollen and livid, blood or bloody froth is found about the mou...
Death By Strangulation
This differs from hanging in that the body is not suspended. It may be effected by a ligature round the neck, or by direct pressure on the windpipe with the hand, in which case death is said to be caused by throttling. Strangulation is frequently ...
Death By Suffocation
Signs and Symptoms.--There are usually three stages: 1. Exaggerated respiratory activity; air hunger; anxiety; congested appearance of face; ringing in ears. 2. Loss of consciousness; convulsions; relaxation of sphincters. 3. Respirations f...
Death From AnÆsthetics Etc
The coroner in England and Wales and Ireland must inquire into every case of death during the administration of an anæsthetic. The anæsthetist has to appear at the inquest, and must answer a long series of questions relative to the administratio...
Death From Cold Or Heat
=Cold.=--The weak, aged, or infants, readily succumb to low temperatures. The symptoms are increasing lassitude, drowsiness, coma, with sometimes illusions of sight. Post mortem, bright red patches are found on the skin surface, and the blood rema...
Death From Lightning And Electricity
The signs of death from lightning vary greatly. In some cases there are no signs; in others the body may be most curiously marked. Wounds of various characters--contused, lacerated, and punctured--may be produced. There may be burns, vesications, ...
Death From Starvation
The post-mortem appearances in death from starvation are as follows: There is marked general emaciation; the skin is dry, shrivelled, and covered with a brown, bad-smelling excretion; the muscles soft, atrophied, and free from fat; the liver is sm...
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Signs Of Death
Action Of Poisons; Classification Of Poisons
Symptoms And Post-mortem Appearances Of Different Classes Of Poisons
Evidence Of Poisoning
Death By Drowning
Modes Of Sudden Death
Wounds And Mechanical Injuries
Treatment Of Poisoning
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Death From AnÆsthetics Etc
Petroleum And Paraffin-oil
Copper And Its Preparations
Tetrachlorethane Etc
Zinc Silver Bismuth And Chromium
Conium And Calabar Bean
Iodine--iodide Of Potassium
Tobacco And Lobelia