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Rape is the carnal knowledge of a woman by force and against her will. The resistance of the woman must be to the utmost of her power, but if she yield through fear or duress it is still rape. The woman is a competent witness, but her statements m...
Sale Of Poisons; Scheduled Poisons
The sale of poisons is regulated by various Acts, but chiefly by the Pharmacy Act, 1868, and by the Poisons and Pharmacy Act, 1908. Only registered medical practitioners and legally qualified druggists are permitted to dispense and sell scheduled ...
Signs Of Death
(1) Cadaveric appearance; ashy white colour. (2) Cessation of the circulation and respiration, no sound being heard by the stethoscope. Cessation of the circulation may be determined by (a) placing a ligature round the base of a finger (Magnus' te...
Sulphonal Trional Tetronal Veronal Paraldehyde
These are dangerous drugs. The ordinary symptoms of the group are noises in the ears, headache, vertigo, inability to stand or to walk properly, insensibility, and cyanosis. The most interesting point is the condition of the urine. In cases of ...
Sulphuric Acid
=Sulphuric Acid=, or oil of vitriol, may be concentrated or diluted. It is frequently thrown over the person to disfigure the features or destroy the clothes. Parts of the body touched by it are stained, first white, and then dark brown or black. ...
By superfoetation is meant the conception, by a woman already pregnant, of a second embryo, resulting in the birth of two children at the same time, differing much in their degree of maturity, or in two separate births, with a considerable interva...
Symptoms And Post-mortem Appearances Of Different Classes Of Poisons
Whilst recognizing the fact that toxic agents cannot be accurately classified, the following grouping may for descriptive purposes be admitted with the view of saving needless repetition: 1. =Corrosives.=--Characterized by their destructive acti...
Tetrachlorethane Etc
=Tetrachlorethane= ('Cellon').--Acetylene tetrachloride; vapour has caused poisoning in aeroplane ('dope') and cinema film works. Symptoms.--Gastric symptoms and marked jaundice. This may be followed in days or weeks by stupor, coma, death. P...
The Inebriates Acts
It is somewhat difficult to define an inebriate, but for the moment the following will suffice, and will ultimately, in all probability, be officially adopted: An inebriate is a person who habitually takes or uses any intoxicating thing or thin...
The Mineral Acids
These are sulphuric, nitric, and hydrochloric acids. Symptoms of Poisoning by the Mineral Acids.--Acid taste in the mouth, with violent burning pain extending into the oesophagus and stomach, and commencing immediately on the poison being swallo...
Tobacco And Lobelia
=Tobacco.=--Nicotiana tabacum owes its poisonous properties to its alkaloid nicotine, a volatile, oily, amber-coloured liquid, with an acrid taste and ethereal odour; soluble in water, alcohol, ether, and chloroform. The drug has an intense depres...
Treatment Of Poisoning
The modes of treatment may be ranged under three heads: (1) To eliminate the poison; (2) to antagonize its action; (3) to avert the tendency to death. 1. The first indication is met by the administration of emetics, to produce vomiting, or by t...
Unnatural Offences
Trials for =sodomy= and =bestiality= are common at the assizes, but, as they are rarely reported, they fail to attract attention. Sodomy is a crime both in the active and passive agent, unless the latter is a non-consenting party. The evidence of ...
Vegetable Irritants
The chief vegetable purgatives are aloes, colocynth, gamboge, jalap, scammony, seeds of castor-oil plant, croton-oil, elaterium, the hellebores, and colchicum. All these have, either alone or combined, proved fatal. The active principle in aloes i...
Viability Of Children
A child may be born alive, but may not be viable, by which is meant that it is not endowed with a capacity of maintaining its life. Speaking generally, 180 days represents the lowest limit at which a child is viable, but prolonged survival under t...
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Signs Of Death
Action Of Poisons; Classification Of Poisons
Symptoms And Post-mortem Appearances Of Different Classes Of Poisons
Evidence Of Poisoning
Death By Drowning
Modes Of Sudden Death
Wounds And Mechanical Injuries
Treatment Of Poisoning
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Death From AnÆsthetics Etc
Petroleum And Paraffin-oil
Copper And Its Preparations
Tetrachlorethane Etc
Zinc Silver Bismuth And Chromium
Conium And Calabar Bean
Iodine--iodide Of Potassium
Tobacco And Lobelia