Assault Murder Manslaughter Etc
=Assault.=--This is an attempt or offer to do violence to another
person; it is not necessary that actual injury has been done, but evil
intention must be proved. When a corporal hurt has been sustained, then
assault and battery has been committed. The assault may be aggravated
by the use of weapons, etc.
=Homicide= may be justifiable, as in the case of judicial execution,
or excusable, as in defence of one's family or property.
Felonious homicide is murder. This means that a human being has been
killed by another maliciously and deliberately or with reckless
disregard of consequences.
=Manslaughter= or =Culpable Homicide= (Scotland) is the unlawful killing
of a human being without malice--as homicide after great provocation;
signalman who allows a train to pass, and so collide with another in